Mansha'ul Uloom is part of a larger moral initiative established before the 1920s. In the heart of historic Omanur in Cheekode Panchayat of Malappuram district, the great QADIMUL ISLAM ASHAIQ MUHAMMED SWABOOR IBN KALANTHARUL HAMADANI (RA), a prominent Sufi and scholar and the link of Suhrawardi Tawriqat, has waqf the place and started this initiative. Possessing many karamats, he built mosques and mahalaras in many places by training her disciples in the perfect deen system. For more than half a century, Dars had been held in the said institution, which had been suggested by the great Bafaqi Thangal Manshaul Uloom, under the century-old Omanur Tarbiyyatul Muslimin Sangha. Manshaul Uloom is a great institution where many scholars including eminent Sufis Waliullahi Vandoor Usthad (RA) studied Ilm. Today many educational and spiritual projects are going forward.